Nepalese Customs And Manners
Nepalese Customs And Manners

Nepalese Customs And Manners

Product Details
  • ISBN 13:9789993300199
  • Author:Kesar Lall
  • Publisher:Ratna Pustak Bhandar
  • Genre:Religion
  • Language: English
  • Publish Year:2019
  • Edition:Reprinted Edition
  • Cover:Paperback
  • Pages:72
  • Size:120 x 5 x 180 mm
  • Weight:120 grams

Every society has its own customs, manners, beliefs and superstitions. This book attempts to bring together some of the common beliefs and practices prevalent in the Kathmandu valley and elsewhere, in the hope that visitors to this country will understand the Nepalese people and their behavior. It also includes some Nepali proverbs too.