Meditation Compassion and Lovingkindness
Meditation Compassion and Lovingkindness

Meditation Compassion and Lovingkindness

An Approach to Vipassana Practice
Product Details

Vipassana Meditation is not something that we only do a little of each day it becomes the way we live all day every day, so that we work with all life’s situations and find peace and happiness everywhere.

If you practice meditation this is the book you’ll want to take every where with you! Steve and Rosemary Weissman offer insights into the development process because when you start to meditate you eventually will look at all the problems that people on the spiritual path want to overcome. How do you deal with anger, fear, greed, aversion or being judgmental? The Weissmans offer a guided meditation to help get rid of feeling of guilt and lack of self worth they present a way to learn how to look at the world around you with compassion and lovingkindness. Full of practical information this is a resource that you’ll use over and over again and you may want to give it to a friend.

The Weissmans teach meditation retreats at the Wat Kow Tahm Meditation center in Thailand. They also teach in the United States and at their Center in Australia. This book was written at the request of people who have studied with them for many students of Vipassana meditation wanted a ready reference to take home. Included with the text is basic instruction for working with meditation postures sitting standing lying and walking so you can learn to use Vipassana Mediation techniques everywhere you go.