

Product Details

This word “Meditation” is one of those buzz words which everyone thinks they have a correct understanding of. Add to this, the availability of a mountain load of books on how to meditate, some of which guide or some misguide; some make dismally dry reading; whilst some make the reader grasp at it with a distorted understanding of meditation’s true potential and its methods.

In this book, Geshe Tenzin Zopa reveals the Buddha’s indispensible advice on this practice in a refreshingly un-complicated manner and makes yummy reading. Meditation is not only for the yogis but a necessary vehicle that each practitioner needs to mount and master, if one is to traverse the rocky road towards enlightenment.

Presenting the essential points on meditation, 6 types of meditation are explored through Geshela’s guidance which is infused with wisdom, compassion and humour. Even routine acts like watching TV can be conducive for meditation! This “Meditation” book implodes all pre-conceived ideas and misconceptions about meditation and unleashes the wondrous power of one’s mind in the pursuit of ultimate happiness.

With profound gratitude to our Gurus for their patience and courage in trying to tame the wild minds of their students, this book is dedicated towards the good health, long life and fulfillment of all the holy and temporal wishes of HH Dalai Lama, Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Geshe Tenzin Zopa. May all living beings gain full Awakening and accomplish our Gurus holy wishes.