Fasting for Health
Fasting for Health

Fasting for Health

Product Details

Fasting means many things to different people. The Mohomdans relate fasting to the holy month of Ramajan. The Christians to the month of Lent and Hindus have various fasts which can be related to weekly, monthly or annual events. But does fasting relate only to religious festivals?

Fasting is in fact a scientific method of resting and maintaining harmony in the body. The Ancients realised this and through religious practices tried to convey this to the public at large.

This booklet tries to tell us of some of the ways of using fasting to cure certain ills and create a healthy harmony in our bodies. There can be no harm in trying some of them as this will only help us to overcome some of the commoner illnesses that plague present day society. So let us try to avoid heart ailments, hyper-tension, over weight, indigestion and all the other gastric problems that cause us inconvenience from time to time by using this most natural curing system.