A Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha
A Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha

A Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha

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A Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha
Wisdom Stories of the Rishis Retold

Of all the relationships possible on earth, that rare combination known as guru/shishya, spiritual teacher and sincere disciple, transcends them all. And scarcely has that most intimate of connections been so well-documented as in the sweet and sacred friendship between Lord Vasishtha and the youthful Avatar, Sri Ramachandra*.

Yoga Vasishtha, an ancient and beloved scripture, details a lesser known period of Sri Ram's youth not discussed in the traditional Ramayana. We meet a young Ramachandra struggling to awaken from the veil of maya, to pierce the shrouded domain of intellectual knowledge. He has seen the nature of Reality and cannot be fooled by the ephemeral attractions of conventional life. Yet, he fails to feel the peace and freedom such knowledge should bring. Stultified, Ramachandra turns to the great sage, Vasishtha, preceptor of his royal father's court, who then plunges him and all present into a spell-binding transmission of stories intent on exorcizing the subtle layers of illusion and confusion that inhabit the mind.

In A Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha, Babaji Bob Kindler offers a concentrated selection of these astonishing, esoteric stories, retold in a rich, contemporary style. The abstruse nature of Vasishtha's teachings are clarified and explored, not only via expanded dialog, but also through detailed charts, or storyboards. Brace yourself. Immersed in these lucid tales, your consciousness is receiving acidic injections of nondual Truth.

...This profound work gives an illuminating insight into the deeper recesses of the philosophical thought of India." Swami Bodhasarananda President, Advaita Ashrama, India

...Yoga Vasishtha was a gift to the world. Babaji's version allows us moderns to unwrap it." Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Author, The Sacred Art of Lovingkindness

* Sri Ram, Avatar of the Treta Yuga and prince of the Koshala kingdom later marries the beautiful, chaste Sita, destroys the evil Ravana, and is served by his faithful brother Lakshmana and the famed monkey-devotee, Hanuman. To millions of devotees around the world, Ramachandra is the ideal man, king, and fully realized Incarnation of God.