The Legend of Amche Raru
The Legend of Amche Raru

The Legend of Amche Raru

A Tibetan Ghost Story
Product Details

Amchi Raru is a mysterious ghost story that has been passed down orally since early times. It is said to have happened in the Mangyul area of the Toe region of Tibet. The story is among the many folk tales our mother told us siblings during our childhood in our humble mud-house shelter in Mussoorie, India. I am truly grateful to my mother, who, despite those difficult early days of exile from Tibet, kindly found time to marvel us with the wealth of Tibetan folk tales. I dedicate this book to her; for her love, her courage and being such a loving mother. Lastly, I hope this strange and scary tale will stir the feeling of mystery, and imagination in children around the world as it stirred mine.

Tsewang Gyalpo Arya