Susmita and Romit to the Dentist
Susmita and Romit to the Dentist

Susmita and Romit to the Dentist

Product Details

This educational children's book is a realization of Medora Belgium. Because we think it is very important that children in Nepal are well informed before they receive dental treatment. There was no similar booklet available in Nepal, so we decided to make one ourselves. Anita Lenaerts made the text, Krisha Tamrakar - a young Nepalese illustrator - made the drawings. The booklet was published in Nepal by Kathalaya Nepal. The Thang Foundation from the Netherlands provided the necessary contacts to realize this booklet. The KLTV (Royal Limburg Dental Association) financed the booklets. The booklet was officially presented during the opening ceremony of the second floor of the health center on October 23, 2021. The booklet is distributed free of charge in Nepal to the Nepal Dental Association, schools, health centers and hospitals. It will also be sold in bookstores in Nepal.