Vedartha Sangraha of Sri Ramanujacarya
Vedartha Sangraha of Sri Ramanujacarya

Vedartha Sangraha of Sri Ramanujacarya

Product Details
  • ISBN 10:8175051183
  • Author:S.S. Raghavachar
  • Publisher:Advaita Ashrama
  • Genre:Hinduism
  • Language: English
  • Publish Year:2010
  • Edition:Fifth Edition
  • Cover:Hardback
  • Pages:192
  • Size:130 x 20 x 190 mm
  • Weight:280 grams

Sri Ramanuja wrote nine works in Sanskrit on the philosophy of Vishishtadvaita. Of these the Vedartha Samgraha occupies a unique place inasmuch as this work takes the place of a commentary on the Upanishads. The book contains the original Sanskrit text along with a running translation by S. S. Raghavachar and is sure to be useful to all students of Indian philosophy.