The Daily Evening and Morning Offering
The Daily Evening and Morning Offering

The Daily Evening and Morning Offering

Product Details

Book Summary of The Daily Evening And Morning Offering(Agnihotra) After P. E Dumont(Baltimore 1939) had presented a survey of the description of the Agnihotraritual as found in the ritualistic sutras, this book (originally published in1976) offered a systematictreatment of the esoteric interpretations of this ritual as found in the Vedicprose texts (including the relevant sections of the Yajurvedic Samhitas ). TheAgnihotra formed the starting-point for several important doctrines which werefurther developed in later texts. Apart from its ritualistic relevance it istherefore also of great importance for the early history of ideas in India. Thesystematic arrangement of the sections translated here increases our knowledgeabout the network of parallel Vedic texts, their borrowings and relativechronology.