Ramana Shankara And The Forty Verses
Ramana Shankara And The Forty Verses

Ramana Shankara And The Forty Verses

The Essential Teachings Of Advaita
Product Details

Ramana Maharshi and Shankara are two of the greatest and most important sages in the tradition of Advaita?the Vedic state of non-dualism, or the oneness of the self and Brahma. Shankara, born in the 8th century, consolidated the teaching of the Upanishadic and Brahmana Sutras into a practical philosophy of living, while Ramana Maharshi revived these principles and beliefs in the 20th century, bringing about a worldwide renaissance of Advaita. This invaluable volume contains the pearls of their combined wisdom, including some of Shankara’s major works translated by Ramana. Among them: Shankara's famous ?The Crest Jewel of Discrimination” and Maharshi's seminal ?Forty Verses on Reality.