Monument Conservation in Nepal
Monument Conservation in Nepal

Monument Conservation in Nepal

My Experience with the World Heritage Sites of Kathmandu Valley
Product Details

In the Kathmandu Valley, countless religious and secular ancient site of Hadigaon have shown that early buildings were constructed of baked bricks and timber, using mud mortar. As the Kathmandu Valley - indeed, the entire country of Nepal - lies in an active seismic zone, frequent earthquakes have damaged these monuments, to varying degrees. In times when there were fewer structures and less damage, monuments were easily restored. But during the Malla period in the 16th and 17th-centuries, so many edifices were built that the Valley became known as the home of temples and monuments, Ancient inscriptions have recorded many occasions of monument construction and restoration, but rarely mention the details of such repairs and restoration work. Therefore, very little is known about approaches to and techniques of maintenance and renewal of temples and houses in historic times. (Theophile and Gutschow, 2003, p.11).