Isha Upanishad
Isha Upanishad

Isha Upanishad

Product Details
  • ISBN 13:9788170588474
  • Author:Sri Aurobindo
  • Publisher:Sri Aurobindo Ashram
  • Genre:Hinduism
  • Language: English
  • Publish Year:2006
  • Edition:Eighth Edition
  • Cover:Paperback
  • Pages:89
  • Size:145 x 10 x 220 mm
  • Weight:180 grams
  • Remarks:Conclusion, Summary and Notes.

Brahman is, subjectively, Atman, the Self or immutable existence of all that is in the universe. Everything that changes in us, mind, life, body, character, action, is not our real and unchanging self, but becomings of the self in the movement, Jagati.

In Nature, therefore, all things that exist, animate or inanimate, are becomings of the one Self of all. All these different creatures are one indivisible existence. This is the truth each being has to realise.

When this time unity has been realised by the individual in every part of his being, he becomes perfect, pure, Liberated from ego and the dualities, possessed of the entire divine felicity.