This book presents one of the major social problems in Nepal. In this book the author shows this problem through a story. This book aims to show the difficulties of little girls who get married and later get widowed. In some places of Nepal especially in the villages the parents give away their daughters in small age when she even do not know about marriage and all. Then she gets difficulties in her husbands house where she has to spend her entire life. The condition is even worst for those who loses her husband earlier and get widowed in such a small age. The widowed girl has to suffer a lot in her entire long life. She is forced to wear white sari even though she is small. Although she wishes to wear other clothes no one hears her. When she becomes young still she has to wear white cloth and has to get bounded in the rules of the house. Time starts passing and she becomes an old lady but the common thing is the white color. This book won Madan Puraskar, the prestigious Award for in 2068 BC.
आफ्नो पहिलो आख्यान पानीको घामका लागि पद्मश्री सम्मान प्राप्त गरेका अमर न्यौपानेको दोस्रो उपन्यास सेतो धरती एक बालविधवाको दर्दनाक कथा हो । यसमा मुख्य पात्र ‘तारा’ ले अठहत्तर वर्षको उमेरमा जन्मदेखिको आफ्नो विडम्बनापूर्ण कथा भनेकी छन् । नेपालमा ठूलो भुइँचालो आएको वर्ष ‘नब्बे साल’ बाट आरम्भ भएको उपन्यास भुइँचालोभै सुरू भएर भुइँचालोभै अन्त्य हुन्छ । सामाजिक संस्कारका कारण जीवनभर अभिशप्त भएर नियतिको सजायँ भोगेकी ‘तारा’ का जीवनका विडम्बनाहरुसँग अन्य पात्रहरुको पनि विडम्बनापूर्ण कथा जोडिएर आउँछ । आञ्चलिकतासँगै सुन्दर भाषामा लेखिएको सेतो धरती २०६८ को मदन पुरस्कार प्राप्त कृति हो ।