Getting Through What You're Going Through
Getting Through What You're Going Through

Getting Through What You're Going Through

Product Details
  • ISBN 13:9781404105737
  • Author:Robert A. Schuller
  • Publisher:W Publishing Group
  • Genre:Religion
  • Language: English
  • Publish Year:1986
  • Edition:First Edition
  • Cover:Paperback
  • Pages:200
  • Size:140 x 15 x 215 mm
  • Weight:245 grams
  • Remarks:Epilogue and Notes.

Whether you're facing divorce, illness, the death of someone you love, a financial setback or any other seemingly insurmountable problem, this book can be the answer to your prayers. Schuller's ten principles will take you verse-by-verse through the Twenty-third Psalm, while breaking down barriers to healing, including self-pity, guilt, fear and the inability to forgive. Above all, Getting Through What You're Going Through proves the healing power of faith and prayer. "To get through what you're going through, you must be willing to be carried and that takes trusting," explains Schuller. "Let go and let God support you and your faith will lead you out of the valley into the Promised Land."