Celestial Song / Gobind Geet
Celestial Song / Gobind Geet

Celestial Song / Gobind Geet

Product Details
  • ISBN 10:0893891037
  • Author:Swami Rama
  • Publisher:Himalayan Institute
  • Genre:Religion
  • Language: English
  • Publish Year:1986
  • Edition:Second Edition
  • Cover:Paperback
  • Pages:137
  • Size:180 x 20 x 260 mm
  • Weight:500 grams
  • Remarks:Glossary.

Celestial Song Gobind Geet is the dialogue between Sri Guru Gobind Singh and Banda Singh Bahadur, two great leaders in the history of humanity and the Sikh tradition. This poetic interchange presents the ideals of Sikh dharma in a simple and lucid way so that they can be enjoyed, understood, and applied by all who hear them. A central theme of the book is that the spiritually aware have a responsibility to help those in the world-that selfless service to humanity is, in fact, a spiritual practice. To serve, to remember, and to love are the three essential aspects of the Sikh dharma.