

The Nyaya Buddhist Controversy
Product Details

Vadanyaya :The Nyaya Buddhist Controversy By Mangala R.Chinchore 

The present work attempt to critically evaluate the Nyaya-Buddhist Controversy regarding the nature and status of Nigrahasthanas with special reference to Dharmakirit's Vadanyaya. The standpoints of pre-Dharmakirti Nyaya phiolophers concerning Nigrahasthanas is explicated and articulating Ddarmakirti's line of thinking concerning them, his criticism of Nyaya Nigrahasthanas is given in details. Post- Dharmakirti Nyaya reactions to Dharmakirti are critically considered and methodological perspectives of Nyaya and Buddhism concerning Nigrahasthanasand their implications are discussed. The whole exercise aims at placing the Vadanyaya and the Nyaya Buddhist controversy concerning Nigrahasthanas in its proper perspective within the framework of the History of Indian Philosophical Ideas understood appropriately. The work is published under Bihliothca Indo-Buddhica Series.