Selection from the Buddha
Selection from the Buddha

Selection from the Buddha

Product Details

The life of the Buddha has always inspired the more contemplative amongst us to ex-plore the possibilities of his teachings. It matters little whether we turn to Chinese, Indian or Tibetan literature to discover these gems for they all have a common source. Scholars have worked over the years to dis-cover these texts and present them to us in a language that may be clearly understood.

Unfortunately the literature available is now so vast that it would compel the true student to devote his entire life to their study and interpretation. Therefore we are fortu-nate that scholars of great repute have taken the trouble to select the best and compile anthologies such as this. Not only does it provide those of us with less time the op-portunity to imbibe the truth as preached by the Lord Buddha but also with an occasionto mull over concise passages that hold great meaning.