Hindu Manners Customs and Ceremony
Hindu Manners Customs and Ceremony

Hindu Manners Customs and Ceremony

Product Details
  • ISBN 10:8173031797
  • Author:Abbe J.A. Dubois
  • Publisher:Book Faith India
  • Genre:Hinduism
  • Language: English
  • Publish Year:1999
  • Edition:Reprinted Edition
  • Cover:Paperback
  • Pages:730
  • Size:140 x 40 x 220 mm
  • Weight:780 grams
  • Remarks:Appendix and Index.

"By rescuing from obscurity the final results of Abbe Dubois's thirty years of observation and research, Mr. Beauchamp will place the life work of that great missionary in its true form before the world. He also makes a considerable addition to our knowledge of Southern India on the eve of British rule. "